One of the questions Christians are forced to deal with is, "How should a Christian respond to the death of Bin Laden?" Some will argue that we should rejoice because justice has been served, while others will defend that the death of someone (regardless of how evil) should be grieved. So how should Christians respond to this event?
I personlly think a Christian should have mixed emotions.
On one hand, a Christian should grieve the death of Bin Laden. They should grieve the death of anyone created in the image of God, they should grieve because hell is real and those without Christ will face the eternal judgment of God, and they should grieve because it remins us of the sinfulness of mankind is a present reality. I understand why many will be quick to "rejoice" in this event (and will argue below the way in which one should), but we check our emotions in light of the gospel. Death is tragic, sin has consequences, hell is real, and Jesus is the only hope! Therefore, death, regardless of who, is to be grieved.
On the other hand, I believe a Christian can and should rejoice in the justice of Bin Laden's death. Notice the difference! There is a difference in rejoicing in the death of someone (small lens) and rejoicing in what the death represents (larger lens). Bin Laden was an evil man, who was responsible for the death of hundreds thus requiring his own life as a just consequence (Genesis 9:6). In addition, God has ordained government in the yielding of the sword to carry out such justice (Romans 13). In this, we can rejoice. Therefore, when asked the question, "Should a Christian rejoice in the death of Bin Laden or grieve over it?" My answer is "yes." Biblically we must do both.
Below are a few links that provide more perspective on this issue. I think you will find them helpful in thinking through this issue.
Pastor Wes
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