Last Sunday I was asked by a church member about thoughts on Bible reading plans. In addition, I will be calling us as a congregation to pursue Christ with all of our passion in the coming year. Therefore, I post these suggestions for those of you who are interested in having a plan in the New Year for digging into the Word of God.
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There are a number of Bible reading plans on the ESV website. Go to http://www.esv.org/biblereadingplans to access these.
Here are some of the advantages…
1. At the above website there are numerous ways to receive the information (print them, have them sent to your mobile devices, receive them through email, and many others.)
2. Pick you genre. You can do reading plans through various genres. You can do Psalms and Wisdom, or Gospels and Epistles, etc. There are about 10 total plans in all.
3. Pick your strategy. You can do reading plans chronologically, each day in OT and NT, etc. Lots of flexibility here.
The ESV site also has the M’Cheyne One-Year Reading Plan. This plan has you read through the NT twice, the Psalms twice, and the rest of the OT once throughout the year. The only concern is that some have found this plan to be too wide because it has you in 4 different places in the Bible on a given day. Others like the variety though. You can decide!
Other Suggestions…
1. The Discipleship Journal Reading Plan (http://www.navpress.com/uploadedFiles/15074%20BRP.dj.pdf) The advantage to this plan is that you can catch up if you fall behind.
2. The Book-at-a-Time Reading plan. (http://www.navpress.com/uploadedFiles/BRP2.pdf)
3. (http://www.amazon.com/Search-Scriptures-Study-Guide-Bible/dp/0830811206/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1230711958&sr=8-1) This is more of a study guide than a reading plan, but maybe helpful for those who use an NIV.
4. http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.html
May our passion for Him and His Word ever increase in 2010.
Pastor Wes
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